
Wideband Linearization

Discover how advanced Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD) techniques and RFSoC platforms tackle the challenges of wideband linearization, enabling high-efficiency amplification for modern RF systems with bandwidths up to 600 MHz.

Knowledge Center
Wupatec & Mitsubishi blog

MWE 2024 – Japan, Yokohama

We are pleased to announce our participation in the Microwave Workshops & Exhibition (MWE) in Japan, from November 27 to 29. We will showcase a live demonstration in collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric at the 株式会社アイ・エム・シー(IMC)booth.

Electronics and New Space

Electronics in New Space

Last week, we had the chance to join a webinar hosted by ACSIEL about electronics in New Space. It was a great opportunity to talk about how Europe is making its mark in this changing tech landscape.

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